Indoor Air 2026 Call for Proposals
The ISIAQ Board of Directors invites Letters of Interest to host the
ISIAQ International Indoor Air 2026 Conference. Letters of Interest are requested for conferences to be held in one of the following regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. The leadership team should include an ISIAQ member.
Indoor Air conferences are organized every second year as international events and gather 600-800 participants, with 800-900 papers presented in oral and poster form. They typically last four-five days. Indoor Air conferences are focused on the scientific community, attracting researchers and other professionals from the fields of indoor air quality, built environments, HVAC, health sciences, public health policy, chemistry, biology, psychology, urban planning, mechanical engineering, architecture, and building design and management. The conference also supports ISIAQ related side events, such as the Students’ Summer School, meetings of the ISIAQ Academy, Board, and the Annual General Meeting. The conference is a vital membership activity of ISIAQ and an important networking venue for ISIAQ members.
The Letter of Interest should describe in outline form the major features of the proposed conference including the following:
- Proposed host organization
- Proposed conference president and other key organizers
- Person with authority to bind the host organization (if other than the proposed host)
- Proposed conference theme (philosophy and intentions)
- Proposed venue: city and facility, facility capacity for plenary and number of rooms for simultaneous sessions, that seat approximately: 30, 50, and 100 persons; and facility capacity for virtual components; highlight the facilities focus on delivering quality indoor air
- Estimated room cost of potential conference hotels and distance from conference venue
- Lodging options for students
- Proposed registration fees for full registrants, students
- Any plans for a virtual component to the conference
- Expected sponsors and potential amounts of support
- Any plans for video recording and online session availability post-conference
Note that the Letters of Interest will be subjected to a review process. Based on its review of the Letters of Interest, the ISIAQ Board of Directors will then invite qualified potential hosts to submit full proposals.
Letters of Interest must be received by 19 February 2024. Send letters of interest to the ISIAQ Secretariat. Letters of Interest showing merit will be invited to submit a full proposal. The deadline for full proposal will be 15 June 2024.
If you have any questions, please email the
ISIAQ Secretariat (